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Tuesday, November 16

My Dear Sweet Baby Boy,

I'm not sure this is what God is looking for when we pray for dinner.

Lee: Dear God..
(insert giggle)
Me: (getting Lee back on track) Thank you...
Lee: for Daddies tools, that I broke 
Me: (getting him back on track again) and for our food
Lee: and for our food, and for my star wars space ship and for blasters and for all the (making sounds) pichoo, cachow, bams and boooms!
Me: (thinking that I should probably review with Lee what God really wants us to be grateful for) (cutting Lee off) AMEN!

Lee asked the other night if God was his friend.  I told him that God is everyone's friend.  Lee then said "ya, I know.  I love him."


Crystal Starr said...

My heart just ripped out and beated (is that a word?) on the outside of my body then popped back in all swollen and gooey (sorry for the gross description, hehehe) with love and admiration for sweet little children. Thanks for posting Lee's prayer, Sara, I know why God wants us to come to Him as little Children, they are so wise and yet so simple. Beautiful. I love that little LeeBee!

Love you!

Steve and Sara said...

He's crazy and seriously puts a smile on my face every minute of every day! Even when I'm frustrated. He's such a quirky and crazy kid ;)

LOVE YOU TOO CRYSTAL!!! I can't wait to see you Saturday!!!

The Skibbens said...

Sara, this is just too sweet! I love when you post the things Lee says...he is such a sweet boy, for real. You have done such an amazing job raising him!!