Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 27

Merry Christmas

Christmas Afternoon at my Dad's house. We all opened presents and enjoyed a wonderful lasagne dinner. Here are some pictures of us opening presents and then going to my Aunt Kathy's after to see family.

Waiting for presents to be passed out.

Dad is very patient too.

Steve playing with Lee's Mr. Potato head pieces!

Lee was super excited for his ball pit car! He even put the balls to good use!

See, boobs!

Family picture at Aunt Kathy's. Where's Grandma Graetz?

Oh, there she is, behind my Dad's head!

Dad and Grandpa Graetz!

Jacqui and Lee

Me and fussy Lee.

Grandma Graetz plays the piano beautifully while we all sing.. er... not so beautifully! It was a great Christmas and it was really good to see everyone. I hope you all had a good Christmas too!

Wednesday, December 24

Schumacher Christmas Party

Schumacher Christmas party was last weekend and we had SO much fun! See below for a bunch of pictures!

Lee and Aiden, they are about a year and half apart.

Anna, my step-mom Janet and my God-mom Tani

Kelly and Ramon!

Cousin Rachel and Uncle Carl

Basketball! Wheee!

Lee helping himself and Grandma jumping in to save the table.


Lee got the hang of it really fast!

New truck and hard hat! Vrroom!

Bob the Builder Steve!

Lee.. eerrr.. sharing... after this picture Lee had a meltdown which we ignored but then had to hug Melina.

Melina knows what to do!

Ok, good boy. See, he can be kind!

White elephant gifts.

Friday, December 19

'Twas the Night Jesus Came

'Twas the night Jesus came and all through the house,
not a person was praying, not one in the house..

The Bible was left on the shelf without care,
for no one thought Jesus would come there..

The children were dressing to crawl into bed,
not once ever kneeling or bowing their head..

The children were dressing to crawl into bed,
not once ever kneeling or bowing their head..

And Mom in the rocking chair with babe on her lap,
was watching the Late Show as I took a nap..

When out of the east there rose such a clatter,
I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter..

Away to the window I flew like a flash,
tore open the shutters and lifted the sash..

When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but Angels proclaiming that Jesus was here..

The light of His face made me cover my head...
was Jesus returning just like He'd said?

And though I possessed worldly wisdom and wealth,
I cried when I saw Him in spite of myself..

In the Book of Life which he held in his hand,
was written the name of every saved man..

He spoke not a word as he searched for my name,
when He said "it's not here" My head hung in shame..

The people whose names had been written with love,
He gathered to take to his Father above..

With those who were ready He rose without sound,
while all of the others were left standing around...

I fell to my kneesbut it was too late,
I'd waited too longAnd thus sealed my fate.

I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight,
Oh if only I'd knownthat this was the night.

In the words of this poem the meaning is clear
the coming of Jesus is now drawing near...

There's only one life and when comes the last call,
We'll find out that the Bible was true after all..

Thursday, December 18

Elf Yourself

Steve sister Amy created some elves and I am copying. Pretty funny!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Wednesday, December 17

Merry Christmas!

We were finishing up some last minute shopping today and decided to go see Santa. No fits or tears, just walked right up to Santa, said "hi" and climbed on his lap. He was very curious about his beard, but that was about it. If you ask Lee what Santa says he will tell you "shh.." ha, ha. We'll get there before Christmas, he says "ho, ho, ho" but only after you tell him first.

Sunday, December 7

Friday Night Lights Episode

My uncle, William Akey, was in a episode of Friday Night Lights (Season 3, Episode 9). He's the newsreporter at 4:34. FNL is such a great show, I can't wait for it to air in January! Here's a part of the show he's in.

Thursday, November 27

Friday, October 31

Happy Halloween 2008

We had a beautiful day today, it was about 75 degrees outside and sunny. It was the perfect halloween!! Lee was a elephant this year and loved going to all the doors, getting candy from everyone. He would take one piece and then run back to the wagon where his bucket was and put it away. It really confused him when he got more than one piece of candy. He would try to give back one piece. I can't get over how fast he caught on to trick-or-treating and how well he did. Lee walked almost all the way around the block and we have a big block! Here are the pictures I took from today.

Saturday, October 11

Pumpkin Farm 2008

On Friday we (Steve, Lee and I) went to the pumpkin farm in Crest Hill. It was one of the best pumpkin farms we have ever been to. It's not the same as Goeberts, because that has history, but it was a close 2nd. Here are the pictures from the farm.

Thursday, September 25

Army Wives

I love the show Army Wives. On lasts nights episode Joan (the woman all the way on the right) had a baby. Guess what they named their little girl? Anyone... anyone... that's right. She named her after ME!!! Hha, ha, ha. Sara Elizabeth! Just kidding on the naming her after me, but she does have the same name as me!!!
If you haven't watched this show yet, you should watch and get caught up to date here. It's a good one!

Sunday, June 29

Kayleigh's Play!

Last night we went to Freeport to visit with Kayleigh and Rich (her Dad) and to see her play! It was SO CUTE! She did an amazing job and I wish you all could have seen it.

Remember Kayleigh, that little shy girl, she's all grown up now and just a sweetie. Many of you haven't seen her in a long while.

She lives in Las Vegas with her Mom, Amy, and spends her summers in Freeport with her Dad. It was neat going and seeing them and hanging out for a little bit. We went to lunch/dinner and then to Krape park before she had to go for rehearsal.

The theatre had no electricity for about 2 hours so there was a bit of a delay, I guess it's a violation of some sort to put on a play without power. So we waited until it came back on. There were 2 plays that night that the kids put on. The first was An Adventure of Tom Sawyer, which we didn't see much of because Lee projectile vomitting all over everywhere 3x (he's seriously never thrown up like that before, ever!). It was terrible. But the good thing was, Kayleigh wasn't in that play. After we got Lee changed and Steve cleaned up (he was the one holding Lee) we went back in during the intermission for the 2nd play which was The Fairy-Tale Detectives: The Sisters Grimm, and Lee did awesome. He sat there perfectly quiet and watched the play. Kayleigh did an awesome job (well all the kids did a really good job), they were so funny. I loved it and I can't wait for next year.

Here are some pictures from the day.















PS - Amy, I know that you said you wanted us to try to take video and we couldn't. They wouldn't allow it. Something to do with if a kid falls or messes up and then it getting posted on Youtube they could sue. So they were only allowing video taken at the dress rehearsal. Sorry :(

Saturday, May 17


Sometimes I feel like I'm never organized enough. I think this drives Steve nuts. I just want to walk into my house one day and know that everything is put where it's supposed to go. For instance, if you were to walk into my computer room right now, you would see a room full of crap (sorry that's the only word I can think of to use right at the moment), because it doesn't have a place. Today I am going to throw anything that I haven't used in the last year away and I'm going to keep it that way too.

See what happens when I get bored ;)

Thursday, April 24

Random 10!

I have 10 random... random thoughts!

1) 80's and early 90's music is the best ever?? I could listen to it everyday, all day and not get sick of it. One bit!

2) I believe they have simply run out of good ideas to make movies with. Nothing looks "sooooo good" anymore.

3) Bears, Lions and Tigers EAT PEOPLE!! We are simply their food. That is why we should leave them out in the wild and not tame them so we can all gawk and watch them "preform". They don't like that. They want to be left alone, they told me so!

4) Laundry never ends. There is always something to wash, no matter how many loads you do.

5) Flip flops were the best thing ever invented. Right after the epidural.

6) I wish I could cook better. I want to learn new recipes, but I want them to be easy. I don't like complicated cooking.

7) I would like a clear explination, in lamen terms (which I'm not sure what that means), as to why gas prices are so stinkin high. Everyone is shocked that they are "record high" but don't offer an explination that I can understand. Maybe it's meant to be that I don't understand.

8) I believe Spring has finally showed up. I'm so excited! Mother nature didn't let us down afterall. Thank you!! ;)

9) Why is it no matter who Lee is with I am always looking for him. Wherever I go without Lee, I still panic when he's not there behind me, like I lost him. It's the strangest feeling ever. I panicked tonight when I got my hair done because he wasn't in the back seat. Just for a second, but this still did cross my mind "oh my gosh, Lee's not in the car, where is he?". I'm loosing it, it's ok, you can admit it. No arguments here.

10) I have officially become one of those people who's whole life has come to a complete stop, unless you want to talk about babies. Then I have plenty to talk about. It's sad... I hope to get my life back soon :)

Tuesday, April 8

New Floor

Steve was able to do more work on our dining room floor. It is SO awesome.

Tuesday, April 1

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!

We had a low-key Easter here at the house. Steve's Mom and Jim were in town and staying with us (kinda) and they had been driving quite a bit to get here, so we decided to not travel any further and just spend it here. It was so nice and relaxing. Jim made a awesome ham in the crock-pot (with raisins) and Steve made the rest of the dressings. While we were waiting for everything to cook, we decided to take some pictures (I wanted to get Lee's 9 month pictures done) and I wanted to get some pictures of Steve's Mom and Jim together too. Here's how it turned out.
Pam and Racheal were over the day before Easter to visit. This was taken inside Mom's new fancy-schmancy 38' RV.

Me and Lee. This is also my new hair do!

Steven Lee and Lee. Hee, hee. Man they look so much alike.

Isn't he SO CUTE? I love him!!!

I was testing my lense when I took this picture, but it turned out SO CUTE!

Jim... look over here!

Yoo-hoo, Jim, over by the person with the camera...

Ah, the trick to get Jim to look at the camera is to get rid of the kid! Aren't they sweet??

Lee is currently sitting on his easter basket from my parents.

Still sitting on the basket. Hmmm... I tried to get him to hold it, which he did... in his mouth. I then tried to take that stinkin egg away so I could get a picture with his easter basket, he then crawled away after me to get the egg back.

Oh well, maybe next year you get to see his easter basket, when it's not crushed by his ogre sized body

Happy easter everyone! We missed you ;)