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Saturday, November 6

Lee goes to Daycare!

A few months ago my friends Crystal and Steph told me about this book "Raising Your Spirited Child" and said that a lot of my frustrations with Lee are addressed in this book.  I kinda brushed it off and stayed frustrated for awhile till one day they had had enough and Steph said that I just needed to read it.  I don't have a lot of time these days, so although I haven't finished the book (I'm on chapter 4 I think), I noticed right away that this book didn't just describe Lee a LITTLE, but this book was written about my child!  All except, he's not a major temper tantrum thrower.  He doesn't really have long meltdowns.  They are 5 minutes tops and I can usually stop them pretty quickly.

This book helped me realize that although I knew Lee was a social butterfly, I didn't realize the importance of him getting out of the house multiple times a week so he could "socialize" with other people besides me.

When we're at the grocery store, he will say hello to just about everyone we pass.  He asks random people what they are making for dinner.  He asks them what they are buying.!

So, one evening I am out to dinner with two other friends (this is after I started reading this book) and I am explaining to them what it said and my frustrations and they suggested bringing Lee by their daycare.  They both work for daycare/preschools.  That next night I talked to Steve about it.  I had him read the chapter about a extroverted child and ways to help them.  He completely agreed with me 100%.  This was something we needed to look into.

Over the summer I put him in swimming and tumbling.  They were both horrible.  He hated doing both.  He also derailed both classes and goofed off so much that other kids were not listening too.  I was scared to start another thing that he could potentially influence other kids to misbehave.  However, after visiting the daycare and talking with Lee, Steve and I thought it was worth a shot.

The first day wasn't so good.  I had to fight him to get dressed.  Fight him to brush his teeth.  Fight him to eat.  Fight him to get in the car.  Fight him to go into the building.  I explained to his teacher that this was his 1st time ever in a daycare setting, just so she had some background.  When I went to pick him up, his teacher said "he doesn't like to follow rules does he?"  Ya, exactly why we're here.  Not a good start.

Day 2: Not as bad to get him dressed and ready.  I talked so much about how we follow rules and listen and we have to do projects and listen to stories too.  Yes, you get time to play, but you have to follow the rules as well.  He actually rolled his eyes at me.  I talked that much.  Teacher notes when I picked up, "today was better".

Day 3: Lee was excited to go to school.  Excited about his friends.  Didn't roll his eyes as much as we talked about learning and following rules.  And his teacher said "this was his best day yet!  He did really, really good!" 

So, today was Lee's 4th day at daycare.  Today I was told that Lee is the most polite boy.  Today he was able to pick a "prize" for being such a good boy and listening so well.  I could not be more proud of him.  He loves his school!  He loves his teacher!  He loves tattling on the one boy who doesn't listen and gets in trouble all the time and how he's (Lee) not naughty, the OTHER boy is naughty.   

He just goes part-time (8am-noon), 2 days a week.  That's just enough so that he can get out of the house and away from me and be a big kid by himself.  Steve and I were talking tonight because we have noticed a pretty big difference in Lee already.  He listens SO much better, it's pretty crazy how only 4 days at school can make a difference.  But it did and I am so thankful to have such amazing friends that read great books.  

Thank you Steph, Crystal, Emmy & Katie!!


Steph said...

Sara, I'm thrilled! Thrilled! So happy for you all.

Malachy's first parent teacher conference is in 2 weeks and I can not wait to hear what his teacher has to say about him.

Kimberly Cangelosi said...

This made me tear up! I am so happy for him!

The Skibbens said...

Sara! I am so happy to hear this! I also teared up, that is so awesome that you were able to figure this out and put him in preschool. I am so glad you have amazing and encouraging friends in your life to help you out when you need it! I think Crystal and Steph are pretty great too, and I love and welcome all advice from you or any mom that has been there and done that before me...somedays I am finding it is the only way to stay sane!

Go Lee!! =)

Crystal Starr said...

Sara, you are the best mom, I love you and I feel you. You know I know the exactly the pull you felt going back and forth with should I or shouldn't I? I'm so proud of you!!

Sending my kids to school was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I still struggle with missing them so much. I know that I did the right think putting them in though. I see that is it SOOOOOOOO good for Madison, my spirited baby.

This morning she was saying that she HATES school and didn't want to go. She even tried to convince me she should stay home because she sneezed a bunch of times. =) When I picked her up just a little bit ago she was SO happy. She said, "School was GREAT, Mom, and I even smiled at Robert!" HEHE, Robert is a boy she didn't used to like but we have been praying and working together on how we can love and be nice to Robert. She even said, "It wasn't even a fake smile, Mom." It warms my heart.

I'm so in love with you, Sara. Thank you for sharing your story with us so we can all learn from YOU!

LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Crystal Starr said...

Can you send me your address again, Sara? Thanks, babe!