Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 14


Last night was the last night that you were swaddled.  You are no longer liking it as much and prefer to chew/suck on your hands and fingers while trying to fall asleep.  You are also becoming very good at self soothing and putting yourself to sleep.  Your bottom 2 teeth are just about to pop threw.  We'll see how long they take to come in.  You are just the sweetest, most content baby.  You lay on your blanket and just watch the world around you.  Very seldom do you cry.  Mostly when you are tired or poopy.  Good-ness you cry when you have pooped.  WOW!  It's ear piercing!  Ha, ha.

You also started this week rubbing your eyes when you get tired.

1 comment:

Kimberly Cangelosi said...

This is so sweet!