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Tuesday, April 1

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!

We had a low-key Easter here at the house. Steve's Mom and Jim were in town and staying with us (kinda) and they had been driving quite a bit to get here, so we decided to not travel any further and just spend it here. It was so nice and relaxing. Jim made a awesome ham in the crock-pot (with raisins) and Steve made the rest of the dressings. While we were waiting for everything to cook, we decided to take some pictures (I wanted to get Lee's 9 month pictures done) and I wanted to get some pictures of Steve's Mom and Jim together too. Here's how it turned out.
Pam and Racheal were over the day before Easter to visit. This was taken inside Mom's new fancy-schmancy 38' RV.

Me and Lee. This is also my new hair do!

Steven Lee and Lee. Hee, hee. Man they look so much alike.

Isn't he SO CUTE? I love him!!!

I was testing my lense when I took this picture, but it turned out SO CUTE!

Jim... look over here!

Yoo-hoo, Jim, over by the person with the camera...

Ah, the trick to get Jim to look at the camera is to get rid of the kid! Aren't they sweet??

Lee is currently sitting on his easter basket from my parents.

Still sitting on the basket. Hmmm... I tried to get him to hold it, which he did... in his mouth. I then tried to take that stinkin egg away so I could get a picture with his easter basket, he then crawled away after me to get the egg back.

Oh well, maybe next year you get to see his easter basket, when it's not crushed by his ogre sized body

Happy easter everyone! We missed you ;)

1 comment:

Crystal Starr said...

I really am in love with the picture of Lee with his grandparents. It's just perfect and I must be getting close to that time because I'm getting a little emotional about it. It's just really sweet.