Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 24

Schumacher Christmas Party

Schumacher Christmas party was last weekend and we had SO much fun! See below for a bunch of pictures!

Lee and Aiden, they are about a year and half apart.

Anna, my step-mom Janet and my God-mom Tani

Kelly and Ramon!

Cousin Rachel and Uncle Carl

Basketball! Wheee!

Lee helping himself and Grandma jumping in to save the table.


Lee got the hang of it really fast!

New truck and hard hat! Vrroom!

Bob the Builder Steve!

Lee.. eerrr.. sharing... after this picture Lee had a meltdown which we ignored but then had to hug Melina.

Melina knows what to do!

Ok, good boy. See, he can be kind!

White elephant gifts.

1 comment:

Crystal Starr said...

SO fun Sara!! I love the pictures of Lee hugging, he's such a cutie pie.