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Sunday, September 24

Grey's Anatomy

This comic strip is so me!!! S..C..A..R..Y.... Ha, ha..

Does anyone watch Grey's Anatomy?

I accidentally saw the episode 2 of season 3 of Grey's Anatomy. Or they call it episode 3.2. I was reading the posts on the ABC blog (I know, I'm a big nerd) but I was just seeing what was out there, and I found this link on YouTube to this episode. I guess one network aired episode 2 by mistake instead of the season premiere last week, so it's in 6 different sections. I am so excited that I got to see it... YIPEE... it was REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD!!! I'm not going to say what happens. I'm only going to say this... "I know what happens and you don't... I know what happens and you don't... hee... hee...


Steve and Sara said...

That is so true! We can only record two shows at a time. The worst part is you can't watch TV if you are recording two shows. I'm not helping either. Here is a list of what we are recording and for who.

Reba - Sara (2 Channels)
Stargate - Steve (2 Channels)
Stargate Atlantis - Steve
Dancing with the Stars - Steve
Grey's Anatomy - Sara
Survivor - Steve
House - Sara
Lost - Steve & Sara
Amazing Race - Steve & Sara

Go ahead make your comments about Dancing with the Stars...

Steve and Sara said...

I have to update the list. More shows have been added.

Gilmore Girls - Sara
Runaway - Sara
One Tree Hill - Sara
Seventh Heaven - Sara

I think that puts our DVR at full capacity.

Steve and Sara said...

This is comming from a guy that said to me last year "there are better things to do than watch TV at night". This was because he always had to work really weird hours and couldn't watch night time TV. So he was never addicted to any shows... he's catching up to me ;0)

Steve and Sara said...

Whoops, that last comment was me. Oopsises.

Brooke said...

That's sooooooo funny!! LOL!
Grey's Anatomy was the wrong episode??????? What?? No wonder it seemed a bit off. So are they playing episode 1 this week? What are they going to do?

Steve - You are just like your mom - Dancing with the stars!!!

Steph Stanger said...

you saw episode 2 not fair! Although I feel super annoyed with Grey's Anatomy as of late! Merideth and Shepherd are totally annoying me I don't even care about them anymore because they are so freaking selfish and immature. Blah! I do still care about the majority of the other characters though!

Will 24 make it on to your list this winter! And what about the Office!!!???!? Hello!

Brooke said...

Steph - The Office is on my list!

Lillian D said...

Dear children...all of you. Has nobody heard of reruns? I know this is the high tech age but they do exist. All you need is patience. This also covers the summer months. What I don't watch during the season I can catch reruns of in the off season.
Thanks Brooke. Dancing with the Stars indeed!!!

Crystal Starr said...

Hey I didn't read this post or any of the comments because I haven't seen this season yet. I think I'm going to try and watch it on or something if I don't get to lazy. If not I'll have to wait to watch it until next year when it comes out on DVD! I did see what you typed in bold where it said it was really really good though!! So YAY!!!