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Thursday, July 2

12 Week Ultrasound

I've been feeling really, really good. No morning sickness at all and I'm starting to get my energy back. I'm not asleep by 7pm anymore. The only bump in the road that we have hit is that my thyroid isn't working again. It did this with Lee, but they decided not to put me on any medication. However this time around, I'm taking a 25mg pill 3 times a day to keep it in check. The Endocronologist is pretty certain that I have Graves Disease. It's really not that big of deal and he says that it can go into remission at anytime. So we'll see what happens after the baby si born. The only problem with it being pregnant, is the medicine can make you Hypo-thyroidism and that is really bad for the babies brain function. Hyper (which is what I am right now) can cause miscarriage. Hypo - brain damage. Their monitoring me closely though so I'm not worried. Just trusting God and saying lots of prayers!

Today was the 12 week check up. Everything looked great and I was so proud of myself for only gaining 2lb. YEAH! The babys heartbeat was 162 and is 2" long already. The Dr. tried to find the heart beat with his little microphone, but because I'm taller, the baby has more room to hide and couldn't find it. The ultrasound was able to detect it though. Speaking of ultrasounds, here are the pictures from today.

Arms and rump.

Front view of the baby. Looks like an alien. Their arm is also up by his head. The head is on the right and body/bottom is on the left.

Here's a profile shot of the baby. It was pretty tough because the little booger was pretty active in there. Arms were flailing all over the place.

And last but not least, the 3D ultrasound. How cool are these? I'm so glad my Dr. office has started doing them for free! It's neat to see their little nubs for arms and legs. The eyes, nose, ears and mouth have not fully developed yet, so they are just sockets. You can also see the umblical cord which is neat too.

Steve and Lee came with and were able to stay for the whole thing. We were sure how Lee was going to do, which he could have really cared less, but at least he was part of the family. He kept asking for more "movies". LOL.

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