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Saturday, January 2

38 Week Update

My neighbor and friend Liz took some belly pictures for me and I absolutely LOVE THEM!! Here's a few ;)

38 weeks along and still nothing really to mention. I went to the Dr. last Wednesday and I still haven't progressed any. Lee was the same way. Hopefully this week Wednesday they "stretch" me like they did with Lee and move things along. I can't wait to meet Elsie and hold her!! Everything is going good though, we had a little bit of a scare this weekend. She stopped moving and no matter what I drank or ate, she still didn't move. So we had it checked out and everything is good. She's back to her normal self now, little tiny jabs and kicks. Mostly I feel hiccups 3 times a day. Her heart rate is right around 140BPM and she is definitely head down. However I have not started to dialate yet.

Time to come out baby girl!! We want to meet you!!

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